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Become an unofficially-official member of TEAM ZFG! What perks does owning this coin include? None! But who gives a fuck?! This badass coin signifies that you're down with living your life with a fuck-free attitude, and you're part of our like-minded tribe for life!
These coins are a high-quality mint and are akin to a traditional military challenge coin.
- 1 Large, Heavyweight, Bronze-Color Coin
- Diameter: 1.54" (39mm) - Approximately the same as a Silver Dollar
- Depth: .116" (3mm)
- Weight: 1oz.
- "ZFG" carved into 3D skull on one side
- "Team Zero Fucks" Official Member on the other
- FREE Shipping and Tracking for U.S. orders
- Each coin comes in a heat sealed polly bag (NOT in coin capsule)
- 100% Made in the USA